Category: Resources
The World Economic Forum 2025: Time to Tax the Richest and End Extreme Wealth
January 20th marked the beginning of the 2025 World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. The event brings together global leaders in politics and business to discuss key global and regional challenges – such as responding to geopolitical shocks and stimulating economic growth – with little transparency or representation from regular citizens and other stakeholders.…
8th CRAFT Strategy Meeting, Dhaka, Bangladesh March 2015
The 8th Craft Strategy Meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh took place in March. Again it was a valuable and constructive meeting with representatives of all involved organizations attending. Thanks to everybody for their input and effort. The progress of the CRAFT project is the result of a combined commitment to our objectives. This video gives an impression of the…
Examples and pictures of CRAFT activities 2014
Examples and pictures of CRAFT activities 2014 This document shows some CRAFT activities that have been organized in several participating countries. Nice to see how CRAFT initiatives are being carried out. Much appreciation for all the hard work people put into it! Download pdf
The Capacity for Research and Advocacy for Fair Taxation (CRAFT) project was developed through collaboration between Oxfam Novib, Tax Justice Network – Africa and other country based partners in Uganda, Mali, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt and Bangladesh with a view to achieve accountable, fair and pro – poor tax systems. Download PDF