The Fair Tax Monitor is a research, capacity-building, and advocacy tool for fair taxation all over the world.
Here are our latest updates!
Our Impact
20 countries
Co-creation in mutual learning of the FTM methodology.
Support of partner organizations in 20 countries.
Increased capability and confidence of activists to engage dialogue on fair taxation with policy makers.
Comprehensive freely accessible methodology toolkit for researching fair taxation.
17 published reports in the past 10 years.
Special look-out on Taxing the Rich, Gender & Taxes, and Extractive Industries.
Change policies. Change the world.
Greater engagement between policy makers and civil society.
Higher awareness of the gender dimension of tax policies.
Strengthened political will and improved policies to #maketaxfair.
FTM Reports

The Fair Tax Monitor is a unique evidence-based tool that makes it possible to identify the main bottlenecks in national tax systems and to provide strong evidence for advocacy. At the same time, the tool allows for a comparison of tax policies and practices in different countries, using a standardized methodology and unified approach in the research.