Tag: fair taxation
The World Economic Forum 2025: Time to Tax the Richest and End Extreme Wealth
January 20th marked the beginning of the 2025 World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. The event brings together global leaders in politics and business to discuss key global and regional challenges – such as responding to geopolitical shocks and stimulating economic growth – with little transparency or representation from regular citizens and other stakeholders.…
New Fair Tax Monitor Nigeria Report: Taxing the Rich to Combat Inequality
On 15th October 2024, the newest Fair Tax Monitor (FTM) report, thematically focused on Taxing the Rich, was launched in Nigeria. It shines a light on a critical issue: how fair taxation of the wealthiest could be the key to tackling the country’s deepening hunger and inequality crisis.
FTM speaks at 2 sessions at Wellbeing Economy Alliance Conference
This blog was written by James Canavan, Intern with Oxfam Novib Introduction During the latest Wellbeing Economy conference held in Copenhagen last month, two standout sessions organised and featuring Oxfam colleagues involved in the Fair Tax Monitor delved into the topics of renouncing green extractivism in Europe’s energy transition and the role of tax as a tool…