
FTM hosts workshop at the Fair4ALL event in Accra, Ghana

Photo credit: Facebook page of Oxfam Ghana

In February 2024 the Fair4All programme – a largescale influencing program on the theme of fair value chains – held a regional learning event in Accra, Ghana, in which the Fair Tax Monitor took part.

More than twelve countries involved in the Fair4All programme came together to share, learn and discuss on topics connected to the programme’s overarching goal; that of strengthening civil society to create space and mobilise people across the world to demand and contribute to more inclusive and sustainable trade and value-chains.

During the event the Fair Tax Monitor team ran a session entitled “Enhancing Collaboration and Advocacy in Fair Tax Monitor (FTM) Initiatives”. The workshop convened experts and practitioners from various countries in which Oxfam and partner organizations work in order to share experiences, challenges, successes, and lessons learned from implementing the FTM tool.

The session was a well-attended and lively event with participants from Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique and other regions and really highlighted the importance and value of the FTM tool in advocating for fair tax systems across different African countries.

Some of the key successes of the FTM tool which were highlighted include:

  • the strategic alignment of the instrument with national tax policies
  • the establishment of governance platforms for tax reform advocacy
  • the increase in attention and consideration of proposals for more rational and progressive tax policies on the part of governments
  • the wider dissemination of research which has allowed for deeper analysis of findings and greater public understanding of tax issues.

Some of the common challenges raised include:

  • difficulties accessing data
  • difficulties finding capable consultants
  • the significant effort required to understand the complexity of tax systems
  • how best to communicate findings and policy recommendations to the variety of audiences with whom the FTM seeks to engage.

The founding principle upon which the FTM is based is that fair taxation and public spending form the foundation of a fair society; tax systems should therefore work effectively for the people. The FTM tools exist, furthermore, to support civil society organizations to gather quality evidence, to engage with the relevant stakeholders, and to enhance public participation so that civil society can advocate for more equitable tax systems.

To help achieve these aims the workshop discussion underscored the importance and need for effective communication, for government involvement from the outset or as early as possible, and for strategic advocacy and collaboration across organisations and allies so that the impact of the Fair Tax Monitor can achieve maximum affect.

Find out more the FTM and how it works here.

See the variety of FTM reports here.

Find out more about the Fair4All programme here.