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Exciting Times for International Tax Policy

Exciting Times for International Tax Policy

Recently Oxfam Novib’s own tax expert Francis Weyzig was in Luxembourg for a conference and a radio interview on tax evasion.
Whereas people who have been fighting for debt relief have waited decades for any significant progress, things are actually moving quite fast in the battle against tax evasion.
As a result of major scandals like the Panama Papers and LuxLeaks, more and more people are becoming aware of the problem and are actively speaking out against this injustice, which in turn is forcing governments to finally address it.
This is why Francis Weyzig is actually quite optimistic about the battle for fair tax, and what makes these exciting times for international tax policy.

For the full interview, go to:

https://www.wort.lu (German)
http://radio.rtl.lu – Press replay for the item “Steierexpert vun OXFAM schwätzt iwwert d’Situatioun zu Lëtzebuerg” under the 12.30 Journal (Luxemburgs)